Café Palestine - Kultur, Geschichte und aktuelle Informationen rund um Palästina

IBAN CH21 0900 0000 6012 9927 6
Café Palestine Zürich / GSP 
QR Kollekte Cafe PalestineTWINT

Montag, 25. März 2013, 19.30

Quartierzentrum Aussersihl / Bäckeranlage
Hohlstr. 67, 8004 Zürich

Diskussion in englischer Sprache mit Samir Abed-Rabbo zum Thema:

Samir Abed-RabboIf Israel rejects a palestinian state
on the borders of 1967, what will be
the future of the land between the Mediterranean and the river Jordan ?

One secular, democratic state (ODS) ?

Samir Abed-Rabbo: I am a Palestinian-American based in Dallas, TX. i was born in a refugee camp north of Jerusalem. I did all of my University studies in the US where I obtained my Ph.D. in international Law from the university of Miami. Authored, co-authored and edited several books and articles on the question of Palestine. An activist on issues of justice and peace and currently active in organizing for one democratic state in historic Palestine and Boycott of Israeli blood diamonds.

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